Sunday, January 24, 2010

A new day & a new life

I've spent so much time making great plans for my life. If only I had taken the time to take action. That's one of my biggest problems...I can make plans, but I never really do anything else. I end up disappointing myself (and probably others as well). And if I do begin to actually execute my plan, I immediately begin to second-guess myself, and I begin to plan again. It's a bad habit I really need to break.

I'm going to make one more plan, and then just take action. I understand that I'll mistakes along the way, so I'll need to adjust a few things. But that's perfectly fine. In fact, it would be stubborn of me not to change when change is needed. Anyways, I'll share part of my plan:

1) Get in shape: I've already been doing this for a few months now. I've been eating more fruits & vegetables. Plus, I swam at the ARC four days out of the week back during fall quarter. The pool there is closed, so until it reopens, I'm going to just use machines & free weights.

2) Learn piano: I got a keyboard for Christmas. I intend to practice for at least 20-30 minutes each day.

3) Read: I have a few books laying around that I've never read. How stupid is that? I buy books, but then never read them (and no, these aren't textbooks). I'm just going to read them. Even if I realize halfway through the book that I can't stand the story, I'll finish it. Perhaps every time I finish a book, I'll include a note in the next post.

Well, here's to my late New Year's resolution & to a great 2010.


1 comment:

dot & dash designs said...

great resolutions!

i like the reading one especially!